Friday, November 20, 2015

An Update On The Cyborg Dude

An update to the Cyborg dude man I did a while back somewhere on this blog. 

Monday, November 9, 2015

Ice Friction

So you're at the end of the game and the bad guy has the McGuffins of Mc-digitty-Guffins and you really need to get it in order to finish your $150 pre-ordered, epic expansion pack bundled, money-grubbin item of a game but he's just over the plot-armored chasm at gunpoint. What do?

You freakin raise your hands and yield to the right-o-way of the firearm, you crazy, irrational lunatic! What do you think this is, a video game? There are no continues? in real life guys. Get with the times. 

*ahem* first-person painting.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Some Old Timer House

Some medieval looking house I'm helping a guy out for an audio project. These are the thumbs and ultimately, he liked the first one.

So I made it bigger and change some of the elements that went in here before. It used to have a concrete sidewalk and fences but apparently this is set way long ago. So in its place, dirt and gravel sidewalk and more trees.